Home Building and Remodeling Blog

3 Great Ways a Kitchen Remodel Boosts Your Home’s Value

Written by Bob Wiedenmann | Mar. 10, 2014

Of all the remodeling projects you could undertake to boost the value of your home, if you’re going to make just one improvement a custom kitchen remodel is your best choice. Other popular remodel choices include bathrooms or external updates like new sidings, but kitchens provide a better return on investment time after time.

#1: Enhances Individual Appeal

Much as we want to follow fashions and be part of the in-crowd, we also want to stand out and show an individual streak. Standing out AND blending in is a good trick if you can manage it, but it’s hard with off-the-peg fittings and fixtures. It’s doubly difficult in a room as dedicated in purpose as the kitchen.

A custom kitchen remodel allows you to show a flash of personality while also creating a kitchen that has a wide appeal. You can make individual choices regarding:

  • Cabinet colors and finishes
  • Worktop color and material
  • Dining areas or extra food prep or utility areas
  • Customized layouts or other design options such as structural changes

Maximizing the individual aspects of a kitchen heightens perceived value because it offers something superior to run-of-the-mill kitchen fixtures.

#2: Meets Modern Living Demands

We’ve never placed such high demands on the kitchen as we do nowadays. Whereas in the past the kitchen was simply for cooking, modern lifestyles have higher expectations. Not just for cooking in, kitchens are also:

  • Family conference rooms
  • Formal entertainment and dining areas
  • Homework stations
  • Craft Rooms
  • Informal meeting places where friends gather

Older kitchens most likely won’t meet these modern demands. A custom kitchen remodel can sensitively bring a kitchen up to date without making it seem out of character for the period or style of the house. Remember, when you’re selling a house you’re as much selling a lifestyle as you’re selling a property.

#3: Becomes More Attractive to Buyers

Having a modern kitchen can make the difference between sealing the deal or not when it comes to selling. The rest of the house may be perfect but if the kitchen is old and tired, buyers will look elsewhere.

This is true regardless of the state of the housing economy:

  • When houses are selling, a kitchen remodel provides a competitive edge
  • When houses aren’t selling, a modern kitchen helps them retain higher values

In the recent economic downturn, Wallingford kitchen remodeling services have helped local property owners hang on to home values, providing peace of mind for years to come. Whether you’re planning on selling or not, knowing your home is future-proofed makes for a better sense of financial security.