Home Building and Remodeling Blog

4 ways to live through your kitchen remodeling project

Written by Bob Wiedenmann | Apr. 25, 2014

It’s a strange thing – while remodeling your kitchen into the dream that you’ve always imagined, you end up having no kitchen at all. This process can take weeks for smaller kitchens or projects, but if you’re doing a whole makeover with everything and the kitchen sink, you may be signing up for months of work. That means being resourceful can make or break your budget – and, surprisingly, your waistline. (We’ll explain this second part later.)

  • Use your camping materials to their full potential. If you’ve got a makeshift kitchen going during this time period, don’t use your good pans and good plates. Chances are they will get damaged since it will be more difficult to store them, and you’ll be cooking on a less-than-optimal surface that could damage nicer cookware. Break out the camping gear, and use the dishware that can withstand abuse. We don’t advocate paper plates because of the amount of waste, but we’ve seen many homeowners do it simply out of necessity. After all, there’s no kitchen sink for washing dishes. We’ve seen some homeowners adapt to this by using the bathtub as a dedicated sink, if the bath and shower are separate. Another reason to keep the good dishware in storage.
  • Try to schedule the project for the warmer months. By building in this time of the year, you can optimize the grill or barbeque to its full potential and many fresh vegetables are in season that can simply be boiled or eaten raw. In the winter months, most vegetables need to be cooked or at least steamed, which can be difficult in a makeshift kitchen. If you can’t finish the project during the warmer months, then at least you can double the garage or another outside area as a temporary refrigerator. We’ve even seen homeowners storing ice cream in snow drifts!
  • Protect the areas of the house that will be highly trafficked by the work crew. Lay down cheap carpeting scraps or throw rugs (make sure they are nonslip!) for the length of the path that runs to the kitchen area. That way, work crews don’t have to worry about your floors, and you don’t worry about them either. While you’re at it, remove breakable or valuable items in the same pathway so that there is no risk of them getting broken or falling down. During kitchen remodeling jobs, we often have to carry large and awkward items in and out of a house. It’s easiest when the homeowner helps us to plan for all the small details that can make this easier for both parties.
  • Watch the takeout. We’ve heard from more than a few homeowners that a kitchen remodel can bust their waistlines. Often, families don’t prepare or anticipate the amount of takeout that they will be purchasing during the months they don’t have a kitchen. Be careful about ordering out or getting delivery in – if you absolutely have to do it, opt for healthier options like turkey subs or lower-calorie meals. One homeowner remarked that his weight spiked ten pounds due to this remodel, and takeout was the culprit.

For more kitchen remodeling advice, try this blog.