Home Building and Remodeling Blog

The Pros of Having a Smaller Lot Size for Your Connecticut Home

Written by Bob Wiedenmann | Oct. 9, 2023

Home designs are as diverse as the people who inhabit them. From sprawling estates to chic urban residences, the size and scope of properties vary widely. Yet, a rising trend is catching the attention of many prospective homeowners – the allure of smaller lot sizes. While expansive lots have long been synonymous with luxury and grandeur, there's a growing appreciation for the charm and practicality of compact plots. Explore the benefits of smaller lots, and discover why many Connecticut residents are rethinking their space needs in the context of contemporary living.

Understanding Lot Sizes: A Primer

Lot sizes, fundamentally, refer to the total area of a plot of land on which a residence is constructed. These sizes can differ greatly across regions, driven by diverse local factors. In Connecticut, for example, the 2022 data reveals an interesting trend. With a median lot size of 30,928 square feet, Connecticut boasts the 9th largest median lot size in the country. This is significantly larger than the national average, highlighting Connecticut's preference for more spacious properties. However, when looking at the average, which is 17,390 square feet, it underscores the presence of both larger estates and smaller, more urban plots in the state. When contemplating a lot size for building in Connecticut, understanding these numbers provides valuable context, ensuring prospective homeowners make informed choices that align with their aspirations and the local housing landscape.

Historical Perspective: The Evolution of Lot Sizes in CT

Delving into the history of Connecticut's residential areas, it's evident that the state's lot sizes have evolved considerably. Decades ago, with vast open spaces and a drive towards agricultural and rural living, larger plots were common. As urbanization progressed, the push for housing and infrastructure in cities like Hartford, New Haven, and Stamford saw a natural reduction in available land, leading to the creation of more compact lots. 

Why Smaller Lots are Gaining Popularity: A Trend Analysis

In the ever-evolving landscape of Connecticut housing, smaller lots are emerging as a notable trend, and for a myriad of reasons. First and foremost, building a house in CT, particularly in bustling urban centers, often means navigating the constraints of limited space. But it's not just about space limitations; there's a conscious shift towards more efficient and compact living. Environmental and sustainability concerns also propel this movement, with a smaller footprint often translating to reduced resource use.

A small lot doesn’t always translate to a small home. Larger homes are now being constructed on smaller lots, maximizing every square foot of available space. This trend, championed by Connecticut builders like Sunwood, offers the best of both worlds: spacious homes without extensive land upkeep. The increasing appeal of smaller lots underscores a broader evolution in how we perceive and utilize space.

Top Benefits of Reducing Lot Size: Not Just About Space

When many think of smaller lots, they might initially see limitations. Yet, the advantages of reducing lot size are numerous and often go beyond the obvious.

Financial Benefits

One of the foremost advantages is the potential for significant cost savings. Opting for a smaller lot often means a reduced initial purchase price, and for many homeowners in Connecticut, this translates to more budget flexibility for custom home designs or high-quality finishes. Smaller properties generally mean lower property taxes, leading to considerable savings over time.

Maintenance Advantages

A more compact lot inherently demands less upkeep. There's less lawn to mow, fewer trees to trim, and overall reduced landscaping needs. For those who prioritize a more relaxed lifestyle without the constant demands of extensive property upkeep, smaller lots are a boon.


With the world becoming more environmentally conscious, smaller lots inherently promote sustainability. They typically require less water for landscaping and often encourage more sustainable building practices. This alignment with green living is a massive draw for a segment of Connecticut residents.

Fostering Community

Smaller lots can foster closer neighborhood ties and community interaction. With reduced distances between homes, neighbors often find it easier to connect, creating vibrant and tightly-knit communities. This sense of belonging and community is a significant selling point for many. Many smaller lots are located closer to urban centers, offering homeowners easy access to amenities, entertainment, dining, and more.

Connecticut Builder Insights: Building a House on a Smaller Lot in CT

For anyone looking to embrace the trend of smaller lots, insights from seasoned Connecticut builders can prove invaluable. 

Design Creativity

One of the most common misconceptions is that smaller lots limit architectural and design freedom. On the contrary, they often encourage innovation. With a more compact canvas, every inch counts, pushing architects and designers to think outside the box, maximize functionality, and craft homes as beautiful as they are practical.

Zoning and Regulations

Building a house in CT, especially on smaller lots, necessitates a thorough understanding of local zoning laws and regulations. Some areas might have minimum lot size requirements or specific rules regarding building proximity to property boundaries. Sunwood, with its extensive experience, ensures that homes not only meet these criteria but also seamlessly blend with the neighborhood's character.

Maximizing Outdoor Space

Just because the lot is smaller doesn't mean outdoor spaces must be compromised. With smart landscaping and design techniques, homeowners can enjoy patios, gardens, and even small water features. It's all about efficient use of available space.

Efficiency and Sustainability

With a smaller footprint, homes on compact lots often lead the way in sustainable building practices. Features like energy-efficient appliances, advanced insulation, and smart home technologies are easier to implement, making these homes more environmentally friendly and cost-efficient in the long run.


Smaller lots don't restrict customization. Whether it's the interior layout, facade materials, or special features like rooftop terraces, Connecticut builders like Sunwood ensure that homeowners' visions come to life, regardless of lot size.

If you're contemplating building or buying in Connecticut, consider engaging with expert builders like Sunwood, who understand the nuances of both large and small plots, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your dream home. Ready to explore the possibilities? Reach out to us today!