Home Building and Remodeling Blog

How Long Will It Take to Build A New Home in CT?

Written by Bob Wiedenmann | Apr. 22, 2022

Knowing how long it will take to build your Connecticut custom home is necessary to plan ahead for your life. You need to know when you can move in so you can pack, hire movers, ask for time off work, or make other preparations accordingly. You also may aim to have your home construction wrap up around a time of year when it will be easier to move (when the kids are out of school for the summer or during scheduled vacation time, for example).


Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer for how long it takes to build a custom home in Connecticut. Your builder will provide you with a project timeline. However, there’s always the possibility you may run into material delays or unforeseen building complications that extend the project. That can make planning a tad challenging, especially if the construction timeline is in flux. 

The best way to plan is by understanding the factors that influence how a house is built and the length of time it takes to construct. That’s where Sunwood Development comes in. We’ve become pretty familiar with these factors in our years of building and remodeling Connecticut homes. Our knowledge is hardwon. We like to share it with others so they can circumvent some of the challenges we have faced and estimate their construction timeline more accurately. We’ll go over these factors below. Then touch on ways to speed up your custom home construction so you can move in sooner!

How Long Does It Take to Build a House? 

In most cases, the average time to build a house ranges from a few months to about a year. If you want a more specific estimate, take a look at these factors: 

  • Environment - What are the conditions of the lot where your new home will be constructed? If it’s on flat land and drains well, your construction may get done faster than if you build on uneven or rocky ground. Weather and the season you build in can also cause construction delays. 
  • Builder - The type of builder you choose can change your project timeline. Each builder has a unique process, so you may want to get cost and timeline estimates from a few different options and compare. A builder who offers pre-built floor plans to choose from, for example, may be able to get your project done faster since they’re working with a familiar design. On the other hand, if you choose to build your home yourself, you can expect construction to take much longer (around a year or more). 
  • Permits - Permits can take a while to obtain too. Again, if you choose a new home development with standard floor plans and existing permit processes, this can take a lot less time.
  • Size & Quality - The larger your floor plan, the longer it will take to construct. Similarly, building a custom home equipped with all the hottest trends will take longer than if you choose a standard floor plan. 
  • Material Choices - This goes along with size and quality. If you choose complicated or hard-to-obtain fixtures, it can take longer to finish your home. Likewise, if there are delays in delivering materials and products to your worksite, it can cause setbacks in other parts of the project.

How to Get Your New Home Built Faster

When building a new home, it can be hard to contain your excitement. No one wants to wait a long time to move into their new home. It’s only natural that you’re excited and want to take possession as soon as possible. Here are a few things you can do to make the process smoother and faster:

  • Planned Communities - Choose planned communities when possible. The preparation and administrative headaches will have been taken care of ahead of time, which saves a lot of time.
  • Opt for Smaller & Simpler - Remember the larger the floor plan you choose and the more changes you want, the more time it will take to build your home.
  • Get Ahead on Design Decisions - Make design choices as early, so that materials and equipment can be ordered as soon as possible. Many projects are delayed because these decisions were pushed off early on, and then construction has to halt while deliveries are awaited.
  • Get a Timeline Breakdown - Ask your builder for a project timeline early on. They should be able to break down the project plan and give you a better idea of how long the various elements will take.

Homebuilding takes time because there’s a high level of technical skill, attention to detail, and quality management involved. But, in the end, a good product is always worth the wait. That doesn’t, however, mean that you should wait to start. Get our advice on who to talk to when you have a custom home to build. Or cut to the chase, and contact us to stop waiting today!